Post construction cleaning / Post renovation cleaning

Post-construction (after builders) cleaning
An apartment, a house, or any other property can only be said to be finished if it is beautifully cleaned up after the construction work! So it's not enough to have a turnkey apartment, it also has to be clean! And now comes the “doomscrolling"! Because it's not as easy as you might think... In fact! It's not as easy as it sounds - it's 100% tedious and time-consuming to clean up all the debris and dust from the construction site, paint drips, paint stains, glue stains, glue strips. Plus, in many cases, it is mission impossible without special tools, cleaning machines and special products. On the top of all this, great care must be taken not to scratch or damage the surfaces. So not only is this type of cleaning physically exhausting, it also requires intense concentration over long hours, often days. No joke, this thorough cleaning is very time consuming!
Let's also talk about the windows, doors and all other glass surfaces, including mirrors, which are only smudged at best, but in most cases are clear of paint both the glass and the frame. It takes special tools to remove these stubborn paint or paint residues without scratching.
The corner moldings are also worth a visit. In many cases, they are extremely sensitive to rubbing!

Post-renovation (after paint) cleaning
A property can be renovated at different levels. This ranges from simple painting to almost rebuilding. The cleanliness, and from our point of view, it just means more and more work. Especially if the dwelling to be renovated was not properly prepared before the painting or drilling and carving.
What you need to know is that whether you are renovating or building a new property, cleaning must be extended to the very last corner, because that is the only way to guarantee total cleanliness!
Moving into or back into your finished home is a stressful task in itself, so make it easier on yourself by hiring professionals to take the burden of cleaning after construction or renovation off your shoulders.
Take this advice! Don't leave it until the last minute or the moment after, because if you start looking for a cleaning company right after the renovation, there is no guarantee that you will find a cleaning service with available capacity right away.